Sunday, June 8, 2008

Roxy Summer Splash 2008

SUMMER SPLASH 2008 , in two words :

Okay , honestly , it didn't . But what really sucked was my phone and camera was stolen .

Sorry , I tried my best not to curse . But really weyh , I LOVED MY CAMERA ! And the worst part about it that it's not even a year old and the phone is my dad's phone :/
I really felt like crying but luckily I had my friends to be there for me . But I wasn't the only unlucky one , 5 other phones just from my group of friends were also stolen and I later found out that tons of other people had their stuff stolen . Including some SLR cameras . Damn , I was glad that I didn't have an SLR to lose . But I really want one , so I'm saving money :D

In the end , there was SO many people that I couldn't find all the people that I really wanted to meet . Although , I still got to watch awesome performances by Altered Frequency , Bittersweet and Pop Shuvit . But I really wanted to meet some people , which I didn't get the chance to . Even so , I met loads of new people and friends .
AND I HAVE NO FREAKING PICTURES TO POST cos I didn't have a camera to take pictures with thankyouverymuch :(

Anyway , here's what I'm saving money for (:


lovee ,

denise :)

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