Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 3


I apologize in advance for the following immaturity :


Again, I aplogize.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Beauty is made of complete chaos.

Currently Listening to : Miss Independent - Ne-Yo
Currently Feeling : Excited :p

now I don't like using words like forever but I will love you
until the end of today, and in the morning when I remember
everything you are, I know I'll fall for you all over again.


I'm back!, and I would like to apologize for not blogging for such a long time. And I would also like to apologize for such a heartbreaking post before abandoning my blog :p

Anyway, things are looking just great.
Some top things to be happy about :

1. Exams are almost over, I only have one more subject to go
2. Aqil and I hit 2 months last Monday
3. I went to church after 2-3 months :p
4. I've fully recovered from coming-and-going fevers
5. I'm alive? ;D


My house had no water for a few days, a few weeks back. That was seriously some nightmare. It was like living in a cave. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad but try not bathing and washing your hair for 3 days and tell me how you feel about that :p

But anyway, that's over and I'm glad my house if fully fueled with water. I was having a fever for a few days last week too, during my exams. I skipped school on Thursday and have to retake my Moral exam this week, on Friday. I don't actually have any exams this week so technically I don't have to go to school at all seeing its the Deepavali holidays. Speaking of which, HAPPY DEEPAVALI to everyone, although I don't think anyone who reads my blog celebrates but oh well, its Malaysia, right? :p

I spent the weekend with my dad this week. I went to the Curve and spent about RM100 plus buying clothes for my mum, my sister and myself :D I had fun though, I hardly get to spend money shopping anyway. Its always window shopping. Anyway, there goes another batch of money I was supposed to be "saving" for my camera. Haha.

Gosh, I really find it weird that I really want this camera but I just can't seem to keep the money to buy it. I thought about asking all my family members to skip buying me stuff for Christmas which usually end up under my bed without use, and all pitch in to buy me a SLR camera. But I'm not sure I should coz it costs quite a lot. Oh well. Just a thought.

Just something random,

My father is that sort of person who jokes with the waiter/waitress to make their job harder/easier. He's also the sort of person that is really protective over my sister and I that he finds the idea of leaving us alone in a shopping complex without parental supervision absolutely absurd and impossible. Oh, I mean I totally understand with what, all those creepy rapists walking around Pavillion and all those kidnappers waiting to jump on Sam and I at every corner. Geez. C'mon, I guess its okay to take precautions but being overprotective? Nevermind, I could go on all day about this.

Random Note : I used to think that only adults were allowed to used pens. Apparently they don't make silly mistakes.

Denise ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The only people that tear happy people down are those that are unhappy.

Currently Listening to : Hot 'N Cold - Katy Perry
Currently Feeling : Confused :(

"How can I fix my life if I don't even know where I went wrong?"

Sometimes when you're telling someone else what's on your mind; a problem, a mistake or whatever it is, that someone would say, "Oh, I know how you feel, I understand", or something like that, right? Well, if they say it, and they DON'T understand how you feel, are they helping? The only way to understand how someone feels in a situation, is to have gone through that kind of ordeal. Which is why you should always say, "I'm not gonna say I know how you feel, coz I don't". All I'm trying to say is, be honest when you're helping someone. Just putting up a caring face without sincerity will just add oil to the fire.

Sometimes when you get cut, you bleed and you hurt. You add all sorts of medicine to make the pain go away. After awhile the cut will heal itself, but there will always be a scar. And sometimes things that happen will remind you of how you got cut in the first place.

Is it the same with heartbreaks? You cry and hurt. You do all sorts of stuff to make the pain go away. After awhile, the heartbreak goes away, but it will always be there. And sometimes things that happen will remind you of how you got heartbroken in the first place. Is there such a thing as getting over someone completely?

Sometimes I imagine my whole life falling apart right in front of my eyes. It all seems so real that when I snap back to reality, the sting in my heart is still there. I even dream sometimes. Its scary to imagine the worst that could happen to you and at the same time, the worst seems so possible.

So appreciate everyone around you while you have them. For those who has family member who are long-term smokers, please ask them to go for a medical check-up. I know this post sounds like some ceramah but its true. I'm glad that my life is all in place, but hey, things can happen.

Take care everyone :D

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The best of us can find happiness in misery

Currently Listening To : Angel in the Night - BassHunter
Currently Feeling : Brain Pain x|

"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. and I'm not ashamed of it."
- Edward Cullen


But honestly, I'm not sure if the link works. Here's another one, only it's got the stupid news guy messing up the whole thing. But the trailer is so effing exciting that my butt's itching to watch the movie asap :p

I've read Twilight last year already, when it first came out. But it seems the craze just only started recently, all the girls calling themselves Mrs. Cullen now. HAHA. Sorry, to me, he's just too good to be true. I'm on Team Jacob Black ♥

And I don't think Robert Pattinson fits Edward Cullen, he just doesn't seem hot enough. Sorry but really, I think James looked much much hotter. You should know who I'm talking about if you read the book like half the world already has ;)

Even so, I so cannot wait for the movie to be released. I can't wait to watch Edward Cullen in all his gooey mushy lovey thing for Bella, that lucky girl :D

I excepted Rosalie to be much hotter, I think lots of other people did too, oh well. I shall not complain anymore *zips*. And to add to the excitement, one of my favourite bands will be on the soundtrack. PARAMOREEEE! :)
Hahaha best best I can't wait :p

Anyway, I haven't been to school for 2 days, Wednesday and Thursday. I had a high fever on Wednesday and this killing pain at the back of my head which has been around for a few days now. It got worse on Thursday so I asked mummy to take me to the hospital for a check-up.

Mummy and I waited 2 hours just to see the doctor for 10 minutes! All she did was ask how I felt how long bla bla bla the usual stuff then said it's probably migraine from too much stress.
Hmmm, stress? Exams, maybe? But ohh well. I've got my painkillers and panadol, hopefully the pain will subside.
I spent the time waiting reading Eclipse again, and gossiping with mummy about all the people walking in and out of the emergency room. And there were a lot of kids too. I gave some of them my ChipsMore. Haha, I just love small kids, they really make my day :D

So, I'm really supposed to be studying for my exam since I skipped school for two days already. HAHA. Time to blow dust off my textbooks!

Bye everyone, take care and good luck once again ;)
P.S : I syg Aqil HAHA I tau you bace :D

Random Note : KFC Nuggets are just a w e s o m e! Especially when they're hot and soft. Oooh, I love those :D

hugs and kisses,
Dee Zaster :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A girls heart is full of secrets.

Currently Listening to : Sweet Tangerine - The Hush Sound
Currently Feeling : Body-ache :|

"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it.. I don't know, maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."
- Grey's Anatomy

Hello readers :D

I'm feeling kinda worn out now. I was out the whole day yesterday with friends and Aqil ;)
I went shopping with my sister before meeting up with our friends and I managed to buy a top from Dorothy Perkins. How jealous I am of all those rich bratty kids who can buy 4, 5 tops from each store. No offense to anyone, though. I'm just saying. I wanted to get so many stuff but hey, what can I do, right? Money takde :D

Anyway, I met up with Aqil and he looked so hott in his green shirt. HAHA.
Don't mind me :p
Haha, I love youu gedik. I know you're reading this! :)
And he got me this necklace with a "D" on it. He's sooo sweet!

So anyway, school's starting tmrw, and I'm just too lazy to go. But I will coz I miss all my friends. Haha. And school also means exams are coming up and hooray to that :|
I won't be online during the exam season coz my mum will be taking to modem away. So I'll update after the exams. Don't miss me :p

Ohh and I don't have to remind you why I don't have photos for this post, right? :(

Bye and take care. Nerd time people! :D

Random Note : I hate speed bumps on the highways.

Till next time,
denise :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

On a second thought,

Currently Listening to : Whatever You Like - T.I
Currently Feeling : Heavy Hearted (!)

I would just like to point something out.
For those of you people out there who find that I should be treated differently just because I have a Malay boyfriend, I only have one thing to say :

Go fuck yourself.

Don't deny it, you know there are many of you who feel that way.
Grow up lah, how immature are you?
Please, accept the fact that we live in a multi-racial country.
My boyfriend is Malay. DEAL WITH IT.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cool isn't a one way street.

Currently Listening to : Paper Planes - M.I.A
Currently Feeling : Raya-ish?

I've spent so much time thinking about all the answers to the problem, that I forget what the problem actually was.
- Elizabethtown

I was reminiscing a few days ago, when I was looking through some photo albums that I kept by my bedside. They were dusty and all, but still, the images never faded. There were pictures of myself when I was just beginning to make my first few footsteps and even pictures of me in primary school. Ahh, those were the days. I can remember only a tad bit of those times. Most of them were pretty fun and definitely memorable (:

I remember my first day of primary school in Std. 1. My mum was registering me in and she was quite busy so she told me to stay put near the playground in the school. I remember watching this cute little Malay guy named Irfan climb the monkey bars with such ease that I got jealous. Plus, I noticed that he was really cute. My first school-girl crush :D He was in the same class as I was, 1 Dinamik. Little did I know that my classmates then were going to be my best friends throughout primary school, all the way to Std 6.

I remember a girl who always made my primary school life miserable. She always got her way in things and always knew how to manipulate everyone. She got everyone not to talk to me whenever she felt like it. And after awhile, she would start talking to me again, just because she felt like it. I always went home crying to my mum every time she started ignoring me again. This went on all through Std 1 till Std 4.

Fast forwarding two years, I remember a new girl coming in to our class, 3 Efisyen. I thought she looked much older than all of us. I had the empty seat next to me, so I was her first friend in that school. Whenever the girl mentioned above decided to ignore me again, this new girl was the only one that I could talk to. She didn't care about what others thought of her, she was just being a true friend to me. But I never really appreciated that.
I remember taking advantage of her whenever I was in need. I remember she would always, always be there for me. I remember saying bad stuff about her behind her back whenever I was with the "in" crowd again with the girl who controlled everyone.

In Std 4, I remember a new guy coming to our class. I was stricken by his looks the moment I saw him. We used to talk on the phone for hours even though we were only 10 years old. When he told me that he likes me after a few months, I panicked and didn't respond. Later after that, he decided to forget about me and went on to liking other girls instead. But I had liked this guy all the way to Std 6 but I never had the guts to tell him.

I remember we used to keep "diaries". Writing about our daily lives in log books then exchanging it with our friends to read. We used to share "diaries" too. These were the ones the boys were itching to get their hands on, so they could spread all our secrets. I remember that the guys used to have "diaries" too :D

I remember the first few of us who had our coming-of-age and how scared we were about having periods. I remember us getting excited about the guys whose voices just broken and started getting taller and better looking. I remember those guys who "matured" mentally earlier than all of us, talking about sex all the time, making the rest of us disgusted. I remember gambling in class, playing UNO and batu seremban. I remember the first couple in school. Everyone thought they were going to get married :) I remember the unwritten rule between all of us that girls and guys are not allowed to touch each other. We were like viruses to one another. I remember "the love board", a piece of wood that everyone wrote their crushes on. I remember playing police and thief. I remember loving and hating primary school :D

Recently, I met my ex-crush, the one from Std 4- Std 6. He still had that walk where he looked like he was in a rush to go somewhere. He still pushes his hair back without realizing it. He still had that cheeky smile on his face that can never seem to be erased. All this just reminded me of how much I used to like him, and how sure I was that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him back then. HAHA.
I also met the girl that I never appreciated properly. She is so mature now, so secure about herself. She's the kind of girl that knows what she wants and is proud of herself. She's an independent woman with nothing to fear. I'm so jealous of who she has grown to become. I miss her so much. D, you know who you are

So yeah, that was pretty much a summary of my pathetic primary school life. I can't remember every bit of it, but the memory is so precious to me. I loved everyone in primary school. Some may somehow find a reason to still dislike me after so many years. I know I was not a very nice person or a true friend to many back then, but I've changed now. I mean, c'mon, it was primary school. I still do apologize to everyone of course, especially D.

Getting back to the present ;
Shoutout to Justina, sorry for making you wait for this post for so long :D
Good luck to all PMR candidates. PMR is kacang puteh compared to Form Four, okay!
And of course,

Selamat Hari Raya!

to everyone, Muslim or not ;)

Btw, I changed my Blogskin to something else if you haven't already noticed. It's just as simple as the previous one, only different. My profile, links and pretty much everything has been edited so do leave a comment at my tagboard, it's really stagnant! I also did Sam's blog, my sister, so go check it out. She's linked :D

Okay, I really have to try and get some sleep now. It's 6 am and I have a full day out planned tomorrow. This "insomnia" has got to stop. Exams are near and I need my rest! -.-
So, until next time!

Pictures :
This one is quite irrelevant. HAHA.

Benedict, Sue Aun, Deborah, Kartikeyan

Benedict, such a cutie :D

Kok Weng. Nerd then, hottie now.

Sue Aun & Debbie.

Kin Sun standing, Quan Yan who hardly ever seems to smile and half of Andrew

Sue Siang (not my age!), Ben, Chee Fai and Kieran

Sebastian, Sue Aun, Faiz and Sulaiman

Sheeesh I was such a nerd, LOL :D

Sebby & Debbie. AWWWW ;)

LeeYee, Denise, Michelle, Jocelyn, Shikin. BFFs? Not quite.

And of course there were much more of us, I just can't find their pictures. Sorry!

Random Note : I think the contestants in Amazing Race Asia 3 are seriously jakoon ;)

denise :D