Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chelsea FC vs Malaysia

Currently Listening to : Say (All I Need) - One Republic
Currently Feeling : Disappointed


Chelsea FC

And we ALL know who's gonna get their butt kicked right?
And if you see carefully enough, it says Persatuan Kenasepak Malaysia not Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia :))

But I AM disappointed that I don't get to see my FAVOURITE football club live in action :|
I hope EZRUL has fun!

Ohh, and Hsu Yan's tag x)

1.What are your goals/dreams?
To be an architect, to travel the world and for now, OWN A SLR CAMERA.

2. The most happiest thing in your life?
Thing? Well, the thing that makes me happy is well, erm, actually just my family and true friends. They're all I need.

3. Favourite colour?
Lime green and light green :)

4. Do you have a crush now? How did you know each other?
Yeahh I do and we met through my ex. HAHA xD

5. Where do you wish to go the most? Why?
Paris, China and India. "Coz it's CULTURAL LIKE SHIT.

6. What is your weakness that you can't stand the most?
I get hardly get angry and when I do, it's only for the moment and that makes people think they can step all over me. I also have this soft spot for anything pitiful, even sad commercials can make me cry. I also procrastinate too much. But hey, wiseman says procrastinators are leaders of tomorrow x)

7. What will you do if you face something sad?
Logically, I'll just cry.

8. Most afraid to lose..?
FAMILY. And friends. Also my phone. And virginity ;DD

9. What is the practical target within this 5 years?
Finish up my Grade 8 for piano, do well in my SPM, and get into an awesome college or university. Yes, very kwai, I know ;)

10. Ask yourself, do you like yourself?
Yeah, I'm fine with myself, there's nothing that I regret doing and I won't hate myself if I met myself on the street :)

11. Favorite song?
For now, Thunder by Boys Like Girls. This changed occasionally.

12.What weird things that you wish to happen?
Weird? Erm, I'm not that creative right now.

13.What age do you wish to live until?
As long as I happily can ;)

14. You Hate which type of people the most?
Backstabbers and hypocrites.

15.Are you satisfied with your life?
For now, yes.

16. What do you wish to do the most now?

17.Prefer to be alone or in group?
I prefer to be in a group, but sometimes you can be in a room full of people and still feel alone. So it depends.

18.If you can have a wish, what will you wish for?
I would wish for more time to think about my wish. Really, I wouldd.

19.What are you doing at this moment?
Doing this thingg.

20.Have you found yourself?
Not yet.

The five people I wish to know more about is :
Mathew Woo so that he has another reason to blog,
Sofea cos she tagged me many times :)
Kevin Woo , when he can,
Debbie cos I miss her,
And You ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008

bring on the thunder

Currently Listening to : Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Currently Feeling : Period Cramp Pains.

"Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer,
Do you know you're unlike any other,
You'll always be my thunder.

Your eyes are the brightest of all the colours,
I don't wanna ever love another,
You'll always be my thunder.

So bring on the rain, bring on the thunder."

Boys Like Girls - Thunder


[insert video here]

Yes, I know this song is kinda old, and loads of people are already over its awesome-ness but I don't care coz this song just rocks :D
Listen listen I don't know how just listennn :)

Oh and my weekend was fairly boring.
I skipped Teenacity and just stayed at home.
Slept in late on Sunday and went for piano like usual.

I'm having period cramps like crazy right now I can't even walk properly I'm just gonna sleep so bye.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Deezastrous :)

Currently Listening to : The sound of the fan.
Current Mood : Excited! :)

How unlucky of me to not have a camera on the day that JAPANESE STUDENTS VISIT MY SCHOOL. Yes, there were 16 students from Japan visiting my lousy screwed-up school which miraculously became not-so ugly after hearing news of these "visitors". We had a whole day gotong-royong yesterday, repainting walls and replacing things that needed to be replaced. Just for these cute Jap students. I was really really excited as MY CLASS was chosen to chaperon these students around the school. As soon as they got off the bus, my heart leaped when I saw how smallish and cute these Jap girls were. There were 15 girls and one miserable boy. HAHA. But anyway, we got around to making friends with them eventually but it was difficult coz they didn't understand much English.

My school was nice enough to get the Zapin, Dikir Barat, Kompang, Silat and even the traditional Indian dance groups to perform for our guests. They didn't really seem to enjoy it though. Haha. But then after the performances, THEY CHANGED into their kimonos and did a routine too. IT WAS SO CUTE! I WAS SO OMGWTF-ED AND BAFFLED! They looked like they could hardly walk in their kimono while doing their own cultural dance. Then after makan we taught them how to play congkak and some Sarawak game. After spending three hours mostly signing autographs and taking pictures, they left :(

My schoolmates took loads and loads of pictures with these girls. I managed to get some emails and phone numbers. But I can't imagine myself trying to explain what I'm saying to them over the phone -.- But I was seriously damn pissed coz I didn't have my own camera to take pictures with them. So I tried to squeeze in as many pictures as I could. I will uploads asap. They have really cute names too, some that I remember are, Areesha, Nachika, Natsumi, Anni, Naoko, and Naomi ;)

So that was today. I had lots of fun and I'm really tired now. *Sigh how I miss my camera. Those girls were really really cute. Oh, and if you're wondering bout that one miserable guy, he was NOT HOT like those Jap guys you know. HAHA KESIAN HIM.

Anywayyy, you know that guy I like from church? I gave up coz I realised that I don't stand a chance coz I hardly see him, and also he already likes someone else. I'd hate to be a third person. BUT there's also another reason. There's this guy I met through a friend, and we're really close. I DID like him but not as much as I like the guy from church. This guy was really nice to me, and I could tell that he really cared. Last month, he asked me "the question". AND I SAID YES :)
SO YAY, a new relationship. I really really hope this lasts. I LOVE YOU, HAFIS!

Oh, yeah. He's Malay :)

Denise ;)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

malas nak update

Currently Listening to : Cartoon Heroes - Aqua
Mood : Tired.

Name: Denise Chang.

Sisters: Yeah who's also my best friend (:

Brothers: TAKDE.

Shoe size: I think its a 6 and a half.

Height: I'm not too short or too tall.

Where do you live: SEPANG.

Favourite breakfast:
Roti Bakar. HAHA.

Have you ever been on a plane : Of course.

Swam in the ocean: Yeah, and been to the beach as well. Love it xD

Fallen asleep in school: E V E R Y D A Y.

Broken someone's heart: Ermm, yeahh.

Fell off your chair: HAHA, yes.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No, I call people :)

Saved e-mails: The funny ones.

What is your room like:

What is the last thing you ate: Chocolate cake xD

Ever had Chicken pox: Yeah when i was four.

Sore throat:

Stitches: Never.

What's right beside you: Telephone, Handphone.

Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes I kinda do.

Like picnics: Sure, they're fun.

Who was the last person you danced with: Haha can't remember.

Last made you smile: A phone call with Azree.

You last yelled: In class to no one in particular.

Talk to someone you like: Yeahh almost everyday.

Kissed anyone:

Get sick: What get sick? o.O

Talked to an ex: Yeah, occasionally.

The Best feeling in the world: Sex. HAHA. No meh? Oh, and LOVE too.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Yeah, my oversized Patrick.

What's under your bed: EMPTYY SPACE.

Who do you really hate : CIKGU TOOOOOOOOT.

What time is it now: 4.22 PM.

Random Qs:
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:

Q: Do you have any siblings:

Q: Do you want children :

Q: Do you smile often:
Yeah, why not?

Q: Do you like your hand-writing:

Q: Are your toenails painted:
Nope, too short and stumpy.

Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in :
My mum's. I'm jealous of her duvet okay.

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing:

Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday :

Q: I can't wait till :
Till I see him again. BWAHAHAHAHA :DD

Q: When did you cry last:

Trying not to remember.

Q: Are you a friendly person:
Dunno, most people think I'm snobbish. I'M NOTTTTTTTTTT!

Q: Do you have any pets:
Yeah, Scottie.

Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?:
Sleeping, probably.

Q:Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?:

Q:Have you ever crawled through a window?:

Q:Can you handle the truth?:

Q:Are you too forgiving?:
YES I AM. I hate that.

Q:Are you closer to your mother or father?:

Both, in different ways.

Q:Who was the last person you cried in front of ? :
No one. I hate crying in front of people.

Q:How many people can you say you really loved?:
2. Minus my parents.

Q:Do you eat healthy? :
No, I don't. AT ALL. Trying to though.

Q:Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? :
Yeah -.-

Q:Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? :
Isn't that why people cry most of the time?

Q:If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?:
Azree! :)

Q:Are you confident? :
In a way.

Thanks Sofea.
I'm not tagging anyway, again.



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

1st tag

Name 10 people to do this survey
Answer these questions honestly


[ACT 1 ]

1. Are you allowed to have a bf/gf ?
Allowed ? What a weird question.

2. Describe yourself in one word
Randomm :)

3. Who would you pick , someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
Someone who really loves me, coz I would rather the person I love be happy without me if he doesn't want me (dunno if that makes sense)

4 . Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?

5. Does it feel good to love?
Yeah, while it lasts.

6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
I'm dyingg! SAVE MEEEEEEEEE :/

7. What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
HAHAHA, tak caye sudahhh!

8. Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?

9.What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
Get a life :)

10.What can you say about playboys/playgirls?
What goes around, comes around.

[ACT 2 ]

1. Best place to cry ?

2. Who do you love the most?
God. Bwahahah :)

3. Tell us your dream last night?
Can't remember.

4. Ever hated someone so bad?
YEAHH. Teachers especially.

5. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
Don't ask.


Had a beer with ?
My mum. HAHA. Well, it was just shandy so yeah :D

Went to the movies with ?
Daddy dearest.

Talked on the cell phone with ?

You hugged ?
Hafis too :)

You yelled at ?
Hafiz and Khuzai for screaming in the bus ;)

Kissed someone ?

Sing/Sang/Sung ?
Everyday -.-

Danced crazy ?
Yeah, thanks to my new iPod :DD

1. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were u angry?
I'm not an angry person :)

2. You will die in 3 mins. Last call?
WHY must you talk about dying and not living? Pessimist !

3. If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?

4. Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?

5. Are you old fashioned?
I try not to be.

6. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
That I do not love them backk.

7. What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?

Okay, I tagged no one cuz this tag is just dumb.
HAHA, sorry Sofeaa!

Alrighty, since that's donee.
I didn't do much this week <- that's a liee.

I went to Ulu Yam with my mum for her work thingg. Some 4x4 Jamboree thing. It was muddy, and smelly and not fun! Well, okay, it was kinda funn. But I was forced to play tug-of-war so that was the only fun thing. HAHA. Other than that, it was pretty boring, there no no hot guys! And I had to skip Teenacity, and didn't get to meet himmm :/

Oh well, on Sunday was awesome though. I went for cheer. For those who don't ALREADY know, Shirtliff won. Dynamitez were second :(

But anyway, I met loads and loads of people. TOOOO MANY people actually. Too many to mention. But I met people I haven't met in a long time, people who i missed, people who I see too much of, and new people :D

People people people.

And cheerleaders.

It was just a w e s o m e.

And as usual, no camera : no pictures :/

Denise (:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

my sweet sixteen :)


Well, it WAS !

I went to school like usual, had my stupid add maths and biology exam, went for recess as usual and went home as usual.
I didn't even get flour-ed (Thank God) but still, that would be something different.
Came home as usual, took a nap as usual.
HAHA, yes it was like every other day.

But I want to thank everyone who wished me ;)
Late or not, I still love you guys!
So thanks :D

Oh, and I love Azree for cheating and calling me at 11.55 and talking to me till 12.15 causing a traffic jam on my call waiting list :D
Hahahah, I love you la bodoh :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

yellow kaler :)

I have no idea what I was doing LOL.

So let's see what I did last Saturday. I woke up kinda late, and then got ready for my dad to pick me up. I was going to the dentist's to check on my braces :DD
Anyway, when we arrived at the dentist, I wanted orange braces but there was no more , so I had to go with yellow, hence the title :)

After that we went to a mamak stall for something to eat. And there was this stupid inconsiderate car that caused us 10 minutes waiting for a parking when we could just have parked there!

How stupid, right?
Anyway, we left for church and like we do everytime before we go to church, we stop by the tandas even though we don't have to pee. Haha. Camwhores. Biasa la tu :)

Church was awesome, as usual. You wanna know more bout my church, here.
teenacity :)
It's updated every week by our very own Audrey Chew who never fails to tell us a detailed 2 and a half hours.

Lee Inkkie my sayang :D

Sunday was normal, I woke up really late, like I always do when I stay with my dad. Then I went for church. My dad and I like almost the same kind of music and we were both shouting the wrong lyrics to Bon Jovi in the car while my sister was irritated as hell. HAHAHA :D

Anyway, piano was like normal, but I arrived late. Mathew Woo decided to show off his stupid SLR so now I hate him :D

OHH and I finally have my own iPod, jiejie Jill bought me one for my b'day. Which is tmrw :)

I don't want to go to school tmrw, but I have to cos we're having our exams :/
I'm gonna get flour-ed :(

Friday, July 4, 2008


3.47 in the middle of the night and I'm not asleep yet.
I feel naughty. HAHAHAH !
NOOOOOOO , I'm not gonna be watching porn , KEVIN ! :DD

Oh yea, dentist appointment tmrw, gonna be changing to orange colours ;D

Thursday, July 3, 2008

oh, crappy-ness

Hello :)
I've decided to come and try to blog today.
To see if I could blog without giving up.

Okay , let's start. Today, something somewhere decided I should be in a crappy mood today, so I was. I was crappy when I waited for the bus, crappy when I was standing in the bus and crappy when I got off the bus. I was just crappy. And for no particular reason at all. When I got to school, I was crappy when there was the stupid bacaan Yaasin thing the Muslims do on first Fridays of the month which causes 30 minutes of stoning for me. I was crappy when there was almost a spot check, my nails are super long right now, also making it hard for me to type properly.

I was crappy when Puan Khalijah, the teacher I hate most wouldn't believe I lost my karangan book and made me take out all my books so I couldn't hide it. When the actual fact was, I really didn't lose it, I just left it at home on purpose so I wouldn't have to pass it up. Speaking of which, I have three 500+ words per karangan to do today.

I was crappy when I couldn't sleep during Chemistry cos all the others were too busy singing and making noises. My teacher wasn't around and that was the perfect time for me to sleeeeep! But no, my classmates decided today would be the day that they attempt to perfect their horrible singing.

I was also crappy when during recess I realized I forgot to bring any money in all my crappy-ness. So I kindly asked Faris my recess partner to belanja me since I do it for him all the time but he too was crappy today and said he also didn't bring any money in his crappy-ness. So the both of us just sat there feeling crappy and hungry too.

I was crappy when I tried to skip Moral after recess but Puan Norani caught me and not only made me pass up my undone homework but also made me erase the whiteboard. On normal days, I would be happy to do so, but I just felt c r a p p y today :(

So yeah, I still feel kinda crappy now and to make things worse I have no credit to call anyone to complain. Oh well, I guess that's life la.

Wheee, I managed to finish my post :)
Hahaha, that's an achievement. Yay me ;) <- yes, not so crappy-ish. I know.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the difference

I don't know if any of you have noticed , but there's a difference in my old blog , and my new one . Yeah , there is . Not in the way I write , or how often I update , but a difference in me . It's something big , it's something that represents how I chose to live my life . I changed , because of a reason .

If you're wondering what this huge fuss is about , and you haven't already realised , I used to be a HUGE bitch . Yeah , a bitch . That's because I used to change my crushes like I was changing underwear . I would talk and rant about a guy for a week or so ( and NO , that's not how often I change underwear ! ) , then when I tell him I like him but he doesn't like me back , or I just get bored , I'll just move on to the next available , good-looking guy . Really , the thought of that kind of attitude makes me disgusted at my own self .

And what changed me ? This was what changed me .

There was this new guy in our school earlier this year . He was tall , extremely good-looking, a shuffler ( I liked shufflers at that time hahahaha ) , and he hung out with my group of friends at that time . At first , we were just friends , we hardly spoke to each other except when we occasionally asked each other to belanja something ( if that makes any sense at all ! ) . I would steal glances at him as many times as I could , and I found myself really enjoying his company .

Then there was the day , it a Saturday and our school had the Annual co-curriculum meeting . So my sister and I went , but we did mostly lepaking at the playground near our school . In this playground , was a concrete landing where we all sat laughing and joking around . Then someone put on some shuffle music and the above said guy started shuffling away . My best friend asked me to join , so I did ( yes , amazingly enough I can shuffle without falling or looking like a fool , yay ! ) . We all ended up landing on top of each other laughing . When the guy helped me up , that was it . I felt that stupid spark telling me I officially liked him . And I know it was such a stupid thing to fall for , but it must have been something in the way he looked at me .

Over the next few days , we would talk even more and spend more time with each other even though we were in different classes . Then there was one day , I told my best friend , who also happened to be closest to him at this point , that I liked him . So being the blabber mouth my friend was , he told that guy I liked him . After that , I tried as much as I could to avoid him , I had no idea why , I usually liked to spend more time with the guy I liked . But anyway , one day , his sister told MY sister that he likes me too . I was really really happy .

Then , one day in a packed corridor after recess , I walked pass him and he called out to me . He said that he wanted to meet me after school , at the usual place we hang out at . I was super stunned and I just stammered out an "Okay." . He prolly thought I looked weird standing with an O on my face . But ANYWAY , after school , I rushed out of the class and half walked , half ran to the place . I sat next to him and asked what was up . He asked why have I been avoiding him and my heart fluttered at the thought that he noticed I have been avoiding him . And I couldn't answer so I just smiled and looked down .

So we talked for quite a bit when he finally popped the question. This was how it went.


So , Ezrul told me you liked me . Is that true ?
Erm , did he ?
Yeah he did. *smiles that stupid smile that had got me into this situation*
Well , I guess I kinda do.
Oh really , that's awesome.
Haha yeah , it is .
Okay , I'm just gonna get to the point , I like you too , so will you be my girlfriend ?

Okay , no I didn't faint , but I felt like it . Anyway , of course I said YES ! Btw , the conversation was in Malay , I just translated it .

So the first two weeks were just amazing . He said he was in love with me , I was just on top of the world . After a while , I made the biggest mistake ever . I fell in love with him too . He was c o n s t a n t l y on my mind , and I would spent every waking second without him thinking about when I was going to see him again . I loved the moments we were together , holding hands and him telling me how cute I was while pinching my cheeks . I was seriously in love . I told him everything about me and he told me everything about him , including that he smokes . My picture was on him MySpace and his picture was on mine . We called each other everyday and sat together everyday in the canteen . We were kinda inseparable . And lots of people hated it . People talked about us and some girls really bitched about me . But hey , I didn't care , they were just jealous .

Then there was Sports Day . A few days before that , he was already showing signs of being bored with me so I tried my best to make him happy . But during the whole of Sports Day in the stadium , he totally ignored me . I couldn't take it so I walked up to him while he was playing a game on his phone .


Hey you.
Yeah, hey. *without looking up from his game*
What's wrong ? Are you okay ? I'm kinda worried about you.
It's nothing, Dee, I'm fine .
Really , then , why are u avoiding me ?
I'm sorry.
Is that it ?
Yeah , I'm playing my game, can you talk to me later?
Well , you've been playing your dumb game the whole day , can we talk now?
*looks up*
Thank you.
Can I help you ?
I'm your GIRLFRIEND , why are you doing this ?
I'm sorry Dee.
What, do you wanna break up ?
*looks down* Do you ?
Well , no , unless there's a perfectly good reason.
I think I'm not ready for a relationship Dee.
Why ? Did I do something wrong? Please , I love you.
No , Dee , its got nothing to do with you , I love you too .
Then WHY ?
I don't know , I just can't be with you.
What ? Cos other people don't like us together ?
Kinda .
Why do you care bout what they think ?
I don't know Dee, I just DO . Is it okay that we break up ?
Well , I don't see logic in staying in a relationship with you when you already don't want me , so fine .
It's not that I don't like you anymore , I still do , I just can't be with you.

So that was it . The rest was just us agreeing to still be friends and me running off 5 minutes later to the toilet crying my eyes out .

But months past after that , and we never spoke a WORD to each other , I couldn't even be in the same place as him , let alone look at him . And the worst part about it was that my best friend just broke up with MY SISTER so it was kind of awkward to see him . We were all just falling apart . And I still wasn't over him .

Three months later , I found myself being more comfortable around him than I was , and I didn't mind hanging out with my best friend again . Things were getting back to normal , but I still knew I still wasn't over him . This was because , I knew if he coupled with someone else , it would just kill me . Finally , the time came when he did , he was with this girl he met at during Zapin . She was average , and kinda unknown so people didn't talk about them . HAHA I know that is really perasanted of me , indirectly saying that I was known , but its the TRUTH . Haha .
But strangely enough , I didn't find myself falling apart , or crying my heart out cos he was with someone else . I was actually happy that he was . I was over him .

So NOW , I'm kinda lazy to like anyone just as much . I'm fine with being friends but nothing more . Although , there IS this guy I met at church that I really enjoy being with . We'll just let time tell huh :)

Anyway , I know this was a really cheesy love story to you ( if you read any of it at all ) but it was big enough to change me . I fell in love and it broke me . But I'm okay now so thank God :)