Thursday, July 24, 2008

Deezastrous :)

Currently Listening to : The sound of the fan.
Current Mood : Excited! :)

How unlucky of me to not have a camera on the day that JAPANESE STUDENTS VISIT MY SCHOOL. Yes, there were 16 students from Japan visiting my lousy screwed-up school which miraculously became not-so ugly after hearing news of these "visitors". We had a whole day gotong-royong yesterday, repainting walls and replacing things that needed to be replaced. Just for these cute Jap students. I was really really excited as MY CLASS was chosen to chaperon these students around the school. As soon as they got off the bus, my heart leaped when I saw how smallish and cute these Jap girls were. There were 15 girls and one miserable boy. HAHA. But anyway, we got around to making friends with them eventually but it was difficult coz they didn't understand much English.

My school was nice enough to get the Zapin, Dikir Barat, Kompang, Silat and even the traditional Indian dance groups to perform for our guests. They didn't really seem to enjoy it though. Haha. But then after the performances, THEY CHANGED into their kimonos and did a routine too. IT WAS SO CUTE! I WAS SO OMGWTF-ED AND BAFFLED! They looked like they could hardly walk in their kimono while doing their own cultural dance. Then after makan we taught them how to play congkak and some Sarawak game. After spending three hours mostly signing autographs and taking pictures, they left :(

My schoolmates took loads and loads of pictures with these girls. I managed to get some emails and phone numbers. But I can't imagine myself trying to explain what I'm saying to them over the phone -.- But I was seriously damn pissed coz I didn't have my own camera to take pictures with them. So I tried to squeeze in as many pictures as I could. I will uploads asap. They have really cute names too, some that I remember are, Areesha, Nachika, Natsumi, Anni, Naoko, and Naomi ;)

So that was today. I had lots of fun and I'm really tired now. *Sigh how I miss my camera. Those girls were really really cute. Oh, and if you're wondering bout that one miserable guy, he was NOT HOT like those Jap guys you know. HAHA KESIAN HIM.

Anywayyy, you know that guy I like from church? I gave up coz I realised that I don't stand a chance coz I hardly see him, and also he already likes someone else. I'd hate to be a third person. BUT there's also another reason. There's this guy I met through a friend, and we're really close. I DID like him but not as much as I like the guy from church. This guy was really nice to me, and I could tell that he really cared. Last month, he asked me "the question". AND I SAID YES :)
SO YAY, a new relationship. I really really hope this lasts. I LOVE YOU, HAFIS!

Oh, yeah. He's Malay :)

Denise ;)

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