Saturday, October 11, 2008

The only people that tear happy people down are those that are unhappy.

Currently Listening to : Hot 'N Cold - Katy Perry
Currently Feeling : Confused :(

"How can I fix my life if I don't even know where I went wrong?"

Sometimes when you're telling someone else what's on your mind; a problem, a mistake or whatever it is, that someone would say, "Oh, I know how you feel, I understand", or something like that, right? Well, if they say it, and they DON'T understand how you feel, are they helping? The only way to understand how someone feels in a situation, is to have gone through that kind of ordeal. Which is why you should always say, "I'm not gonna say I know how you feel, coz I don't". All I'm trying to say is, be honest when you're helping someone. Just putting up a caring face without sincerity will just add oil to the fire.

Sometimes when you get cut, you bleed and you hurt. You add all sorts of medicine to make the pain go away. After awhile the cut will heal itself, but there will always be a scar. And sometimes things that happen will remind you of how you got cut in the first place.

Is it the same with heartbreaks? You cry and hurt. You do all sorts of stuff to make the pain go away. After awhile, the heartbreak goes away, but it will always be there. And sometimes things that happen will remind you of how you got heartbroken in the first place. Is there such a thing as getting over someone completely?

Sometimes I imagine my whole life falling apart right in front of my eyes. It all seems so real that when I snap back to reality, the sting in my heart is still there. I even dream sometimes. Its scary to imagine the worst that could happen to you and at the same time, the worst seems so possible.

So appreciate everyone around you while you have them. For those who has family member who are long-term smokers, please ask them to go for a medical check-up. I know this post sounds like some ceramah but its true. I'm glad that my life is all in place, but hey, things can happen.

Take care everyone :D

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