Monday, October 27, 2008

Beauty is made of complete chaos.

Currently Listening to : Miss Independent - Ne-Yo
Currently Feeling : Excited :p

now I don't like using words like forever but I will love you
until the end of today, and in the morning when I remember
everything you are, I know I'll fall for you all over again.


I'm back!, and I would like to apologize for not blogging for such a long time. And I would also like to apologize for such a heartbreaking post before abandoning my blog :p

Anyway, things are looking just great.
Some top things to be happy about :

1. Exams are almost over, I only have one more subject to go
2. Aqil and I hit 2 months last Monday
3. I went to church after 2-3 months :p
4. I've fully recovered from coming-and-going fevers
5. I'm alive? ;D


My house had no water for a few days, a few weeks back. That was seriously some nightmare. It was like living in a cave. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad but try not bathing and washing your hair for 3 days and tell me how you feel about that :p

But anyway, that's over and I'm glad my house if fully fueled with water. I was having a fever for a few days last week too, during my exams. I skipped school on Thursday and have to retake my Moral exam this week, on Friday. I don't actually have any exams this week so technically I don't have to go to school at all seeing its the Deepavali holidays. Speaking of which, HAPPY DEEPAVALI to everyone, although I don't think anyone who reads my blog celebrates but oh well, its Malaysia, right? :p

I spent the weekend with my dad this week. I went to the Curve and spent about RM100 plus buying clothes for my mum, my sister and myself :D I had fun though, I hardly get to spend money shopping anyway. Its always window shopping. Anyway, there goes another batch of money I was supposed to be "saving" for my camera. Haha.

Gosh, I really find it weird that I really want this camera but I just can't seem to keep the money to buy it. I thought about asking all my family members to skip buying me stuff for Christmas which usually end up under my bed without use, and all pitch in to buy me a SLR camera. But I'm not sure I should coz it costs quite a lot. Oh well. Just a thought.

Just something random,

My father is that sort of person who jokes with the waiter/waitress to make their job harder/easier. He's also the sort of person that is really protective over my sister and I that he finds the idea of leaving us alone in a shopping complex without parental supervision absolutely absurd and impossible. Oh, I mean I totally understand with what, all those creepy rapists walking around Pavillion and all those kidnappers waiting to jump on Sam and I at every corner. Geez. C'mon, I guess its okay to take precautions but being overprotective? Nevermind, I could go on all day about this.

Random Note : I used to think that only adults were allowed to used pens. Apparently they don't make silly mistakes.

Denise ;)

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