Tuesday, May 6, 2008

just our luck :)

I don't know if anyone remembers , but last year I quit softball for debate and I regretted like shit .
So this year , I made sure I was on the Under-18 team .

So , off we went to Kuala Selangor to rep Sepang .
We left on Sunday , and arrived at around 5 .
We rested the rest of the whole day in the apartment that the MSSD people had prepared for the players .
My teacher was very strict , we weren't allowed to go out , go for swims or sit at the balcony without tudung (for the Muslims , of course) .
So , I just sat most of the day at the balcony watching other districts arrive .
AND GUESS WHAT , from the bus that came from Gombak was this EFFING HOT GUY WITH SUPER HOT SUNGLASSES AND SUPER TONED BODY ! I could have just screamed with joy but of course I had to control la kan ?
And the best thing was , one of my teammates from SM Teknik Sepang knows him . How lucky :)

So , enough about that .
The next day , I woke up around 5 which was waaay earlier than my usual wake up time on a non-school day .
Got ready , bla bla bla and we left for the school .
Here were the results .

Sepang vs Gombak P18 - Gombak won with 14-1 .
Sepang vs Sabak Bernam P18 - SB won with 17-0.

Oookay , u can say it to my face , we SUCK .
Yeah , we really suck .
I have no idea what happened , we seemed fine at practice .
I play 3rd base , if anyone knows what that means .
Our teacher was so dissapointed , she didn't even wanna say anything .

So today , we decided to start anew , kinda like prove that Sepang isn't all that terrible .
Guess what ?

Sepang vs Kuala Langat P18 - K. Langat won with 22-4.

That is extremely WTF kan ?
Hahahahahahaha .
I didn't play this round cos I was too tired from yesterday's games so I just cheered on my team .
Oh well , I guess if we suck , we suck la .

Anyway , our L12 guys did really well , they won 2 out of 3 games .
P15 and L18 arrived today , hopefully they'll do better than us ;)

Oh yeah , pictures from the beach after our Monday games . See how happy we are even though we kalah teruk :)

I have a very polite laugh , now don't I ?

titanic la konon :)

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