Monday, March 30, 2009

Harder Than You Know,

Currently Listening to : Harder Than You Know - Escape The Fate
Currently Feeling : Relieved the day is over -.-

Well hello, today was just a horror.

Let's begin with the fact that I had woken up late for school again, and I had definitely missed the bus. Usually, my grandpa would take me, but he wasn't around this fateful morning. And what a morning for him to not be around. I had to go to school because this would be the third time I skipped school because I woke up late after my maid had left.

Anyway, I had the fastest bath ever and practically flew the brush over my teeth. I was ready in record time, but it wasn't fast enough. My mum had been frantically calling me from her dialysis centre for half an hour so I called her back, saying that I'm late and how the hell am I gonna get to school? Of course, my mum being my mum, she scolded first, discussion later. So I just said, mum, I know I'm late, but I'm up now, can you scold me later? HAHA.

She said she can't help me since she had already started dialysis. I had to call the bus driver back, but I knew he wouldn't come to just take me. So my mum suggested asking my other neighbors. I have two willing neighbors, both Chinese. Bad news was, both of them were out. I had to ask my other neighbor, an Indian man, someone who I hardly saw or spoke to. Anyways, I woke my sister up since she was supposed to lock the doors then go back to sleep after I left. I said she could sleep on the sofa while I found transport and that's when she snapped at me and said she wanted to sleep. Well I couldn't blame her so I just said fine. But when I got to the kitchen to prepare my Milo, I suddenly felt this funny feeling washing over me.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, crying and feeling alone. I don't know what that was, I think I might have just been helpless to myself and also upset that I couldn't get myself to school on my own without trouble.

At 6.50am, 20 minutes late from my bus pick-up time, I looked out and saw my Indian neighbor leaving to send his son and wife to the ERL station. This was routine, and I knew he would be back in about 15 minutes or so. So I put on my shoes, finalized everything and woke my sister again. I stood outside my neighbor's house, waiting for him to come home. I stood there like an idiot for about 10 minutes wondering if I had been polite to him the whole four years and three months I've known him, and arranging sentences to say when I was going to ask him.

However, he didn't show up after 15 minutes. At 7.15, I had begun to pace around. I had 15 minutes to ask him to send me, and get to school. Getting to school took 9 minutes with no traffic, around 12 minutes when an old man drives. When he finally arrived at 7.25, I walked up to him and asked him as politely as I could while showing a muka sepuluh sen. Trust me, that wasn't easy. He reluctantly agreed, as I could see the reluctance in his face. He had to change first, and I was just dying to get to school as soon as possible.

The drive was not as torturous as I thought it would be, we actually talked about stuff, and not the weather. HAHA. I got to school, but I was late coz of the extremely slow drive he took. But anyway, the punishment was not bad, I just had my name taken down.

Later after school and extra class, I took a bus down to Nilai for tuition. I met up with a friend on the bus, coincidentally, and we went to the nearest mamak since we were still early for tuition. I was really tired, and I was glad to be home at 8.00pm.

Oh, and to top it all of, I was having a pretty bad hair day -.-

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