Friday, December 19, 2008

Hot N' Cold

Currently Listening to : I Wanna - The All American Rejects
Currently Feeling : Boredd!

This week has been an absolute B O R E! I haven't done anything productive at all. I haven't went Christmas shopping because parents have been too busy to take me. I haven't finished my homework because I lost my pencil box (seriously!) and I need to clean my room but I've never bothered to.

There's really nothing much to blog about since all I've been doing is watching TV, reading, going online, eating, sleeping, and more eating. But still, I can't wait for Christmas to come.

I've also made up my mind to save up for my own D-SLR camera. So all I want for Christmas is money, money and more money! xD
I've decided to get the Canon EOS 400D or 450D which is much cheaper than my previous choice, Nikon D80. I've used loads of my friends cameras and I found that using Canon was much easier for me and the picture quality was much more awesome :D
Honestly, I'm really glad that I've taken this much time (around1 year and a half, to be precise) to decide on what camera I want. I'm also really thankful to all my friends who helped me learn how to use one, and told me which camera would be best for me.

And now, since I've been complaining to my mum on how bored I've been this week, she's taking us to watch 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. Gotta go get ready now. Toodles ♥

Random Note : The MV for Gives You Hell by The All American Rejects doesn't make any sense at all -.-

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