Friday, November 21, 2008

dance inside.

Currently Listening to : Poker Face by Lady Gaga
Currently Feeling : Dancy?

sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.

Well hello hello :D

I changed my whole blog layout, and I even did the header myself. I know its not very professional or whatever, but I'm still working my way through learning Photoshop :D

Anyway, I have abandoned my blog for a week. But I have a good reason, though, which simply is : I was busy (:

I went for Fly FM's 3rd Anniversary party thing. It was more of a concert than a party but it was still awesome :D
I enjoyed every minute of it with my friends ♥
Bands that performed were Bunkface, One Buck Short, Bittersweet, Estranged, Meet Uncle Hussain and Seven Collar T-Shirt. And the other performers were The KL Stompers, Jaclyn Victor and Faizal Tahir. Some were boo-ed at, but most were perfect :D
It was really nice, despite the stench of sweat from everyone, and the occasional pushing around from the guys who were "moshing". HAHA.
But besides that, I am really glad that I got to meet Mooky from One Buck Short again. And Bunkface's lead singer is hot.


One Buck Short ♥

I Love You, Moooooooky :D

The ever-famous Phat Fabes


Bunkfaceee (:

Meet Uncle Hussain

Sam definitely had fun (:

So did I ;p

Other than that, I went swimming at dad's place and met some new friends.
Qi, Bing, Hill and I planned a farewell party for Mat. We bought him a shirt from OU and made him a card. I'm so sorry the card was hideous, Mat. I didn't have enough time -.-
We had Korean BBQ in SS2 and spent time at the pool and Beh Beh's place (:
I used his DSLR alot. His Canon EOS 400D to be precise ;p
He taught me a lot of stuff about it, so I understand how to use one much better now.

Mat's DSLR *pictures from his blog ;)

And the other camera pictures are shots of my favourite DSLR, Nikon D80 (:
It costs RM3,288.00, to be exact, mind you.

Ohh and Thursday the 27th is inching closer, and so is Twilight the movie :DD
Just to let everyone know, I'm on team Jacob Black. Simply because he's hot and Edward's just too good to be true. And I have proof that Jacob is hotter than Edward! :p

I mean, just compare THIS :

to THIS :

Ladies, need I say more?
But I'm sorry to say, they totally destroyed his hotness by adding long hair :((((

Cast of Twilight the Movie

In other words, I am dying to watch the movie!

And just because I love him, I'm posting pictures of Chace Crawford. Beauty like his has to be shared with the world :D

But of course, there is no one in the world that I love more than the one and only;


Anyway, I haven't slept yet and its already 6.30 in the morning and I have a dental appointment with my orthodontist later. And Sam just baked muffins and I'm hungry. So till next time, adieu.

Random Note : I spent an hour searching for pics and another hour perfecting this post. HAHA.

Signing off,
Mrs Timberlake :D

Pics credit to : MySpace Celebrity, Wikipedia, & Sya.

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