Friday, November 14, 2008

Everything's been such a drag.

Currently Listening to : About A Girl - The Academy Is...
Currently Feeling : Bored to tears :'(

"And after a while you learn that you don't need anyone else in order to survive. No one is ever going to always be there, no matter what they say or what they promise you. You just gotta suck it up, accept it and keep on keepin' on."
- Hey Arnold

Heyy everyone (:

It's been a week of holidays and I tell you, I have been so bored!
Everything is so repetitive. I sleep and wake up at odd hours, like sleeping at 5am then waking up at 6pm. Or sleeping at 10pm and waking up at 6am. Yes, terrible, I know.
I even stayed awake for 36 hours, just for fun.
I go online, I eat, sleep and watch endless TV. I have even picked up my cross-stitch (yes, it's one of those 'grandma' things) that I started back in Form One. Its been four years since I started this project and its finally showing some result (:
As for school homework, I hardly bothered to complete them. My teachers will most probably forget like always.
I'm also excited yet saddened at the same time about starting Form Five next year. Goshh, I still can't believe how time is literally flying by.

Anyway, the only action I get is during the weekends. And those are quite repetitive too. I meet up with Aqil on Saturdays, may or may not go for Teenacity, then I'm home watching TV again. On Sundays I'm at Beh Beh's place having a few laughs with my friends and then I'm home again unless my parent (whichever one I'm staying with for the weekend) decides to go somewhere for something.
Here I am trying to make everyday its best but it keeps backfiring on me. I want to work during the hols but I have no transport since I practically live in the middle of nowhere. Then again, knowing me, I'll probably quit halfway anyway (:

Anyway, Mathew will be leaving on Monday :(
I'm so gonna miss him. I'll miss all those moments when we were bimbo or horny with each other. Kevin, Bing, Qiqi, Hill, Mat and me. I love these people man.
Dude, I know you hardly read my blog but I've just got to say this, I love you man, and there's definitely no regrets when we became friends. It's been almost two years already and I'll miss you to bits. Kevin has already left us all stranded so you better come back and see us ;p
And don't forget your SLR HAHAHAHAH ;D

Anyway, I customized my blog a bit, coz I was getting bored of the previous look. I spent about an hour searching for a new blogskin but I decided it would be too much of a hassle rather than just making a few tweaks.

One of the other things I've been doing online this week was looking at new movies coming soon. I was so excited when I saw Inkheart the movie trailer!
It's a book I read when I was Form One or Two when my cousin brought it back from England for me. It's about a man, Mo, who can breathe life into everthing that he reads. Then he discovers his daughter has the same magic. Only, he never reads out loud again because he lost his wife when he was reading aloud to her. She got sucked into the book, into another world. When Dustfinger, one of the characters Mo read into reality came to find him, Meggie (I think that's the daughter's name) and Mo have to go into the book to save her mother :)
I have no idea if what I just said made any sense at all, but do watch the movie when its released. Hehe.
I already read Inkspell, the sequel but I seriously can't wait for Inkheart, due for release in Jan 09.

I'm soooo excited. I'll be booking tickets, so whoever wants to watch with me, just let me know (:

Okay, I think that's enough excitement and blabs for one post.
I'm going to Fly FM's party in a few hours, so yay, finally some fun (:

Ohh and good luck to my Form 5 friends taking SPM (:
I know I'm kinda late but oh well.

Random Note : AD and Fuzzie are FINALLY out! * does victory dance* ;p

xoxo, denise (:

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